What Symptoms and Conditions Acupuncture Helps

What Symptoms and Conditions Acupuncture Helps

Acupuncture is a supplementary treatment that entails inserting very thin needles into the body. By putting needles into the patient’s skin at specific “acupoints,” acupuncture can cure several health problems and help patients feel less pain. Its particular means of just how it works is yet unknown, though. Some individuals think the needles balance the body’s energy, or qi, and induce the production of natural chemicals to combat the ailment or symptom. In this post, we explain acupuncture’s definition and potential health benefits.

What is acupuncture?

Thin steel needles are placed into the skin during acupuncture therapies to activate specific body points. The aim is to treat a medical concern or symptom, such as pain. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is where acupuncture originated, and it is now a widely used supplemental therapy globally.

What ailments does acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture can treat various health problems. People typically use it to treat different health concerns; the following examples are just a few of the many ailments acupuncture treats.


For thousands of years, headaches have been treated with acupuncture. Acupuncture can minimize the number of days spent dealing with migraines, and its effects may continue for a while. A popular therapy for people looking for a less intrusive, drug-free option, acupuncture’s most frequent side effects include a sensation of exhilaration and relaxation.

Chronic Pain

Numerous studies show that acupuncture is particularly effective for treating chronic pain, including headaches, osteoarthritis/knee pain, back and neck pain, and osteoporosis. This is according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NIH concludes that acupuncture “appears reasonable for persons with chronic pain to consider.” Click here for more info.

Crohn’s Disease

According to research, acupuncture can improve lab indicators of Crohn’s disease and quality of life, especially when paired with moxibustion. This different TCM therapy involves burning natural herbs on specific body areas to activate acupuncture points.

Chronic Infertility

Both men and women get excellent outcomes when using acupuncture for infertility treatment. By enhancing sperm quality, boosting ovarian function, regulating the endocrine system, and restoring hormonal balance, acupuncture can be seen as a valuable therapy for restoring fertility in patients. Check out this fertility program at Heal Natural.


Electroacupuncture decreases average pain severity in cancer survivors with chronic musculoskeletal pain. And improve their physical and psychological quality of life.

What to expect during treatment with acupuncture?

The best acupuncture doctors in Kirkland and the surrounding area will evaluate you and ask questions concerning your health history and any current symptoms you may have. Then, similarly to other health specialists, a treatment plan will be developed based on their assessment of your problems’ root causes and aggravating aspects.

You will typically be asked to sit or lie on a table for the specific acupuncture treatment. Very thin steel needles will be inserted into acupuncture points on various body parts. Needles are usually left in place for 20 to 45 minutes as you relax in comfort inside the treatment area.


Acupuncture has few risks or adverse effects when done by a trained professional. The United States FDA regulates all acupuncture needles. According to the organization, all needles must be steel, solid, sterile, nontoxic, and clearly labeled. Licensed professionals may only use needles for acupuncture. Practitioners discard the needles after one usage.

Treatments offered by unlicensed professionals might be unsafe. Infections, organ punctures, and damage to the central nervous system may result from inexperienced providers or those who use infected needles.

Edward Walker

