Acquiring dental implants is a life-altering decision. Unlike other options, they need countless visits to the dentist and commonly months for the gums to recover. Nonetheless, after the dental implant has been combined with your jawbone, you will have a permanent tooth replacement choice that appears and functions normally.
What is a dental bone graft?
Dental bone grafting is a surgical treatment used to deal with bone damage. It is done when an inadequate healthy bone in the mouth supports a dental implant or other dental surgery. This shortage might have arisen from a birth deformity, an accident that left the face damaged, gum disease, or the extraction of a tooth or teeth.
Since it is a minimally intrusive operation, most individuals can recover at home without ever having to stay in the hospital.
Main Advantages of Dental Bone Grafting
If you have a missing tooth, you should know that your jawbone will weaken with time. The need for a dental bone graft to restore bone loss enhances the longer one waits for a dental implant to fill a space on the upper or lower arch. The longer you delay bone deposit, the more you’ll need.
When the bone graft has recovered, acquiring your dental implants will not have additional problems. Do you want to know whether or not to get a dental bone graft treatment? Read on to learn about the most substantial benefits of dental bone grafts.
It helps keep the face’s shape.
Loss of jawbone can have a visible effect on a person’s look. It can give a person a sunken appearance, which could make them appear older than they are. An individual’s smile can be boosted through a dental professional’s judicious use of bone grafting materials, which can change the shapes and size of the individual’s jawbone.
Likewise, asking whether a bone graft would be helpful before any extraction is vital. As a result, getting an examination from dental offices like McDonogh Dental is recommended.
It protects against further bone damage.
The jawbone and teeth work together to support and strengthen each other. This implies that the health of your remaining teeth and jawbone may suffer if you miss even one tooth. Your jawbone can be saved from future degeneration through bone grafting treatments. It will help rebuild the lost tissue and maintain the continued health of your jaw and teeth.
If you want to keep your jawbone and teeth, you must get the bone grafting procedure done as soon as possible.
It strengthens chewing power.
The ability to chew on solid foods necessitates a strong jawline. Eating many foods you enjoy will be challenging if you lose your jaw’s bone mass. After bone grafting surgery, the completeness of your jawbone will significantly enhance and restore your chewing power.
Of course, you won’t have teeth that are up to snuff for chewing until you obtain your new dental implants. Nonetheless, when you’re ready, the jawbone strength will be there. Follow this link for more information.
A dental bone graft has several benefits, not the least of which are those provided above. With this dental procedure, your problems concerning missing teeth might be put to rest. This standard dental reconstruction method can restore your smile without discomfort or damage.